Perinatal Services in Mandarin

大家好!我是Teresa. 我是Uptown Midwives的四年級助產師學生. 我來自台灣!在安大略省,助產師能提供低風險的準媽媽們產前,陪產,分娩,和產後6週的服務。沒有健康卡嗎?沒關係!在安大略省,任何人都能使用助產師的服務!我跟Uptown Midwives實習到明年2020年的3月底。歡迎準媽媽準爸爸上我們的網站填寫表格。很期待跟您見面!

Our senior student Teresa is originally from Taiwan and speaks fluent Mandarin. Working with Mandarin-speaking clients is one of her favourite things! If you or someone you know needs midwifery care in Mandarin, please fill out an intake form on our website! Remember, Ontario midwifery care is free for everybody, including people without Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)!